Back training


For a better quality of life

Back pain?
Lack of exercise, stress, etc.: back pain as a symptom of our time

Eight hours or more in the office, quickly popping the frozen pizza in the oven in the evening and heading to the couch – our everyday lives can really take a toll on our backs. Lack of exercise, excess weight, stress and poor posture are poisonous for our backs and can cause lower back pain. No wonder that back pain is now considered the number 1 widespread disease! Good to know: A herniated disc is much less likely to be the cause of back pain than is widely believed. Muscular tension is much more common and causes back pain.

Exercise and physiotherapy for back pain

The treatment components currently used for back pain include both active and passive approaches. Active approaches to treating back pain:
  • Physiotherapy and afterwards Movement training to prevent new back pain
  • Relaxation methods such as B. Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson
Passive approaches to treating back pain:
  • Manual therapy (special hand grip techniques)
  • Massages (e.g. to relieve tension)
  • Packs (e.g. mud pack)
The targeted training the back and abdominal muscles can protect against new back problems. The stronger the muscles, the lower the risk of back pain. Special back exercises (back school) are suitable. That too Back training on special equipment can be helpful. A healthy diet leads to a reduction in long-term excess and incorrect strain due to excess weight.
Contact us, we will be happy to advise you and work with you to develop an individual concept!
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