Range of services


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The PSZ offers you a wide range of services in the following areas


Statutory health insurance patients

All services are available to statutory health insurance patients on prescription - prescribed by their doctor. A prescription fee must be paid per prescription. However, the amount of prescription prescribed is not always enough to provide you with optimal care, which is why you have the option of continuing the prescribed therapy - as well as additional offers - even as a self-payer.


Our prices for self-payers are based on the fee schedule for therapists (GebüTh). Here we usually calculate 2.0 times the rate.

Private patients

Private patients must inform themselves from their health insurance company to what extent and at what rate their therapy will be paid. Our prices for private patients are based on the fee schedule for therapists (GebüTh). Here we usually calculate 2.0 times the rate.

Professional association

With us you have the option of being treated via a BG prescription. We also offer extended outpatient physiotherapy (EAP), but this must first be approved by the BG. Our billing is done directly with the BG.
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