Online courses


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Our online courses

Here you can find our course overview and the link for the live streams. We have also uploaded various courses to YouTube. Anyone can take part.

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Participation in the fitness training (online video or live stream) is at your own risk and risk.

I hereby expressly waive all claims – regardless of their nature – arising from damages, injuries or consequential damages that could occur in connection with my participation in the fitness training (online video or live stream).

I assure you that I am in good physical health. I checked with a doctor about my health condition. If I have waived this, I do so at my own risk. The Wellcom health center assumes no liability for health risks, including those that I am not currently aware of, in the event of an accident or damage.

Any illness, such as pain, dizziness, discomfort, etc. during the live stream should be reported to the trainer. Otherwise, please contact your responsible doctor.


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You can find more course videos on our YouTube channel. Have lots of fun with it.

Our live courses & webinars

time Course Instructor Access via
Monday 07:00 - 07:45 Mobility Training Jasmin Zoom
08:00 - 09:00 Yoga & pelvic floor training Cornelie Zoom
WS-Gymnastik/GK-Workout Ken Zoom
Tuesday 07:00 - 08:00 WS-Gymnastik/GK-Workout Ken Zoom
12:20 - 13:05 Pilates Alexandra Zoom
13:10 - 13:55 Fascia Pilates Alexandra Zoom
Wednesday 07:00 - 08:00 WS gymnastics/fascia Jasmin Zoom
15:30 - 16:30 Yin Yoga Cornelie Zoom
16:35 - 17:35 Hatha Yoga Cornelie Zoom
Thursday 12:30 - 13:20 Qigong Kirsten Zoom
16:45 - 17:15 Mobility Training Nina Zoom
17:20 - 18:10 WS-Gymnastik/GK-Workout Nina Zoom
Friday 07:00 - 08:00 Hatha Yoga Manfred Zoom

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The identification code always changes on the 1st of every month!!!

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Course content

Moving pause

Quick, easy and relaxing: This active break allows for a short rest for body and mind and also gets your circulation going. The focus is on health-oriented mobilization, gentle strengthening and relaxation, especially for the back.

Materials required:

Pilates Basic Matwork

Pilates training is now an important part of fitness training and rehabilitation worldwide.
The training has been known in Europe since the 90s of the last century. The Pilates method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1930s.
It is a unique system of strengthening, stretching and resistance exercises, which is based on yoga exercises, Greek and Roman movement cultures, functional gymnastics and the classical floor training of dancers (floor ballet).


Qigong is part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and includes exercise systems that are thousands of years old and that mobilize the flow of life energy, “Qi”.
With simple, flowing but very effective movements, body and mind are brought into harmony.
Natural stretching and strengthening of the muscles creates greater mobility.
The internal organs are strengthened and the joints, tendons and fascia become more elastic.
The exercises, which are mainly carried out while standing, combine body movements, breathing, imagination and inner attention - blockages are released and tensions are reduced.
Qigong thereby strengthens the self-healing powers of the immune system and increases the ability to concentrate and well-being.
Qigong is easy to learn even without prior knowledge and is suitable for people of all ages.

Hatha Yoga: Stability – Balance – Lightness

Hatha Yoga is a lifelong method that sustainably strengthens you physically, emotionally and spiritually. Yoga also promotes body awareness, the ability to concentrate, the perception of self and others, mental clarity, inner peace and serenity. Yoga is therefore an effective method for relaxation and stress reduction.

You can expect prānāyāma (breathing exercises), meditations, mudras (hand gestures) and āsanas (dynamically flowing body movements that are harmoniously combined with the breath, powerful postures and balance exercises, as well as gentle passive stretches from Yin Yoga. We will also learn how to get through small variations can also stimulate our fascial tissue).

Aids: 1 x mat, 1 x seat cushion, 1 x bolster or 1 x cushion and 1 x blanket

Fascia training (without rollers)

Description: The fascia, our surrounding collagenous connective tissue structure, plays a central role in our mobility, posture, coordination, power transmission and body perception. When fascia sticks together, pain and movement problems can result. We want to counteract this! Through fascial jumping, springing and stretching, the connective tissue remains elastic and stretchy, but at the same time tear-resistant and strong. Part of the training also includes targeted strengthening of various muscle groups.

Materials required: Mat and comfortable sports clothing, if necessary a blanket or pillow (if you have knee problems)

Fascia Pilates

Fascia is a fiber-rich collagen network of connective tissue structures that surround our tendons, ligaments, joints and organ capsules as well as muscle connective tissue.
It runs through the body from head to toe, stores water and is involved in the immune system.
The aim of fascia training is to release adhesions, tension or hardening of the tissue.
Fascia Pilates training improves mobility, flexibility, the spine is stabilized, it protects the joints, strengthens the deep muscles and thus strengthens the core of the body.
It also promotes blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, reduces water retention in the tissue and improves the structure of the skin.
Pilates with a difference, more dynamic with springs or even light jumping. With the help of the rollers, the fluid balance in the body is improved and the connective tissue is given renewal impulses.

Full body workout

Full body workout without equipment

Materials needed: a mat, a towel and 2 small towels (or something similar)

Ski gymnastics (also suitable for non-skiers)

Winter is approaching and the new ski season is fast approaching. If you want to be fit, you should get your body in shape in advance through regular gymnastics. Only those who have trained their muscles well and are flexible can enjoy the full pleasure of winter sports. Of course, non-skiers can also take part in this course and keep fit.


Zumba is a mixture of aerobics and predominantly Latin American dance elements. However, Zumba does not work by counting bars, but rather follows the flow of the music. In contrast to classic aerobics, Zumba does not have a continuous beat and the movements are not standardized.

Materials required: none

Tai Chi

The Yang-style Tai Chi exercises best represent what is commonly understood in the West as shadow boxing.
Calm, flowing movements that look like slow motion.
The movements are soft and relaxing. You do it with the energy of your body. Not with the strength of the muscles.
The exercises aim to bring body and mind into harmony and at the same time increase vitality, well-being and joy of life.

Pregnancy gymnastics

Pregnancy exercises or gymnastic exercises in general promote muscle tone, strengthen the muscles and also make you more stamina. Gymnastics during pregnancy helps you with various pregnancy changes.

- Only begins from the 15th week and after consultation with the doctor

Materials required: Mat and comfortable sports clothing, if necessary a blanket or pillow

Mobility Training

Mobility is about reducing muscular tension, improving neuromuscular coordination and eliminating movement restrictions of joint capsules and ligaments in order to be able to use the full range of motion.

Aids: 1 mat

PMR - progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation according to Edmund Jacobson is a relaxation process in which a state of deep relaxation of the entire body is achieved through the deliberate and conscious tensing and relaxation of certain muscle groups.

Materials required: mat,

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga offers the balance to classic Hatha Yoga (Yang). Yin addresses the connective tissue (fascia) and represents a gentle form of stretching. Most asanas are usually practiced lying or sitting and held for 3 to 5 minutes. The Yin yoga class allows the body and mind to relax and reach a meditative state while practicing. Yin is perfect after a strenuous day at the office, the normal family madness or simply to give yourself and your body a break.

Materials needed: Yoga mat and blanket, block or harder pillow would be nice but not necessary


The new unique dimension of functional training.
deepWORK® is athletic, simple, strenuous, unique and yet completely different from all known programs - a workout made up of five elements and full of energy! deepWORK® is subject to the law of Yin and Yang and combines the mental and physical opposites of functional training.

Materials needed: mat

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