Face-to-face courses


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Our course offerings for members


You lose weight, your health insurance pays!

the online course to avoid and reduce obesity. In just 8 weeks and 9 coaching sessions you will receive comprehensive knowledge of how to become slim and fit in the long term. Through your weekly coaching videos you will clearly learn which foods are good for you, how you can prepare all your favorite recipes in a lean way and what you should pay attention to when shopping.

Course leader: trainer

Units: 8 week online weight loss program

You start whenever you want
Number of participants: unlimited
Prevention course according to §20
Price: €99 including variant 1

Registration: telephone, email

further information

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training

Stands for “high-intensity interval training” – the training is characterized by alternating stress and recovery phases. The duration and intensity of the recovery phases are designed so that the organism cannot fully recover. The incomplete recovery creates a strong training stimulus - the ultimate fat killer!

Course leaders: Ken Eichholzer, Jasmin Römer

Units: continuous, 50 min

no prevention course

Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 2-5

Course: every Monday, Wednesday, 11:30 a.m

Registration: APP, By telephone , Mail

Mobility Training - The booster for the week

The early bird gets fit!

Balancing gymnastics leads to improved body awareness and more flexibility. During quiet, intensive movements, we steadily achieve greater mobility, coordination and an increase in overall well-being.

Good blood circulation is always beneficial. Morning exercise supports exactly this effect, making morning physical activity excellent for supporting the entire cardiovascular system. Because this extra boost occurs in the morning, we benefit from it throughout the day.

Course leader: Jasmin Römer

Units: continuous, 45 min

no prevention course
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-2/3

Course: every Monday, 7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Nordic walking

Nordic walking increases fitness and, in addition to the legs and bottom, also effectively trains the muscle groups of the upper body, improves mobility in the shoulder and neck area and promotes blood circulation. Contents include: technique training, warm-up, stretching, strengthening and coordination exercises

Course leader: Dirk Bystricky

Units: continuous, 75 min

Prevention course according to § 20

Price: €100

Number of participants: max 9 people

Level: 2-3

Course: every Monday, 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m
Prevention course according to § 20

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Hatha yoga

Hatha Yoga is a lifelong method that sustainably strengthens you physically, emotionally and spiritually. Yoga also promotes body awareness, the ability to concentrate, the perception of self and others, mental clarity, inner peace and serenity. Yoga is therefore an effective method for relaxation and stress reduction.

You can expect prānāyāma (breathing exercises), meditations, mudras (hand gestures) and āsanas (dynamically flowing body movements that are harmoniously combined with the breath, powerful postures and balance exercises, as well as gentle passive stretches from Yin Yoga. We will also learn how to get through small variations can also stimulate our fascial tissue).

Course leader: Manfred Müller
Units: 10 x 60 min
Number of participants: max. 7 people
The course is suitable for beginners and also for advanced learners
Prevention course according to §20
Price: €100

Course I: Fridays 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m
Course II:

Registration: APP, By telephone , Mail

Pilates Basic Matwork (suitable for beginners)

Pilates training is now an important part of fitness training and rehabilitation worldwide. The training has been known in Europe since the 90s of the last century. The Pilates method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1930s. It is a unique system of strengthening, stretching and resistance exercises, which is based on yoga exercises, Greek and Roman movement cultures, functional gymnastics and the classical floor training of dancers (floor ballet).

In Pilates training, connected muscle chains are trained. The deep abdominal muscles and all the muscles around the spine are strengthened and shaped. This physical training improves posture and increases flexibility and balance. It is not an isolated training, but supplies the body with oxygen, supports the intention to move, has a cleansing function, activates the metabolism, promotes concentration and contributes to inner peace.

Course leader: Alexandra Hartl
Units: continuous, 50 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-3
no prevention course
Course: every Tuesday, 12:20 - 1:10 p.m
Registration: APP, telephone, email

Fascia Pilates

Fascia is a fiber-rich collagen network of connective tissue structures that surround our tendons, ligaments, joints and organ capsules as well as muscle connective tissue. It runs through the body from head to toe, stores water and is involved in the immune system.

The aim of fascia training is to release adhesions, tension or hardening of the tissue.

Fascia Pilates training improves mobility, flexibility, the spine is stabilized, it protects the joints, strengthens the deep muscles and thus strengthens the core of the body. It also promotes blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, reduces water retention in the tissue and improves the structure of the skin. Pilates with a difference, more dynamic with springs or even light jumping. With the help of the rollers, the fluid balance in the body is improved and the connective tissue is given renewal impulses.

Course leader: Alexandra Hartl
Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-3
no prevention course
Course I: every Tuesday, 1:10 p.m. - 2:00 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Yoga Yin course

Yin Yoga offers the balance to classic Hatha Yoga (Yang). Yin addresses the connective tissue (fascia) and represents a gentle form of stretching. Most asanas are usually practiced lying or sitting and held for 3 to 5 minutes. The Yin yoga class allows the body and mind to relax and reach a meditative state while practicing. Yin is perfect after a strenuous day at the office, the normal family madness or simply to give yourself and your body a break.

Course leader: Cornelie Haack
Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-2

no prevention course

Course: Wednesdays 3:25 p.m. - 4:25 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga includes a series of yoga postures that strengthen and align the body, muscles and mind. “Hatha” can be translated as “powerful” or “conscious”. The channels in your body are opened so that energy can flow freely. A Hatha yoga class is usually characterized by slow and relaxed yoga exercises - a good opportunity for yoga beginners to familiarize themselves with yoga, its effects and various asanas.

Course leader: Cornelie Haack
Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-2

no prevention course

Course: Wednesdays 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Yoga & pelvic floor training

Yoga for a healthy, strong core. This course combines classic yoga positions with pelvic floor exercises. Each hour ends with a little relaxation so that we can start the day strengthened and relaxed.

Course leader: Cornelie Haack
Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-2

no prevention course

Course: every Monday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email


Relaxation during your lunch break

Qigong is part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and includes exercise systems that are thousands of years old and that mobilize the flow of life energy, “Qi”.

With simple, flowing but very effective movements, body and mind are brought into harmony.

Natural stretching and strengthening of the muscles creates greater mobility.

The internal organs are strengthened and the joints, tendons and fascia become more elastic.

The exercises, which are mainly carried out while standing, combine body movements, breathing, imagination and inner attention - blockages are released and tensions are reduced.

Qigong thereby strengthens the self-healing powers of the immune system and increases the ability to concentrate and well-being.

Qigong is easy to learn even without prior knowledge and is suitable for people of all ages.

Please bring: comfortable clothing, light shoes or anti-slip socks

Course leader: Kirstin Weber

Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-2

no prevention course

Course: every Thursday, 12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Tai chi

The Yang-style Tai Chi exercises best represent what is commonly understood in the West as shadow boxing.

Calm, flowing movements that look like slow motion.

The movements are soft and relaxing. You do it with the energy of your body. Not with the strength of the muscles.

The exercises aim to bring body and mind into harmony and at the same time increase vitality, well-being and joy of life.

Please bring: comfortable clothing, light shoes or anti-slip socks

Course leader: Kirstin Weber

Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-2

no prevention course

Course: every Thursday, 1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Spinal gymnastics (strength) - full body workout

Functional exercises in different starting positions to strengthen your back. In order to improve strength, mobility and coordination of the torso, various small devices as well as your own body weight are used as resistance.

Course instructors: Ken Eichholzer, Nina Vabic

Units: 10 x 60 min

Number of participants: max. 7 people

Level: 2-3

Course: every Wednesday, 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. & Thursday 5:20 p.m. - 6:10 p.m

Prevention course according to §20

Price: €100

Full body workout

Experience a creative and challenging full-body workout that will improve your strength, flexibility and mobility. With dynamic bodyweight exercises and functional training, you will improve your posture and prepare your body for the demands of everyday life.

Instructor: Ken Eichholzer

Units: continuous, 30 min

no prevention course
Number of participants: max. 8 people

Level: 1-3

Course: every Monday, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Mobility training

Balancing gymnastics leads to improved body awareness and more flexibility. During quiet, intensive movements, we steadily achieve greater mobility, coordination and an increase in overall well-being.

Good blood circulation is always beneficial. Morning exercise supports exactly this effect, making morning physical activity ideal for supporting the entire cardiovascular system. Because this extra boost occurs in the morning, we benefit from it throughout the day.

Course leader: Nina Vabic

Units: continuous, 30 min

no prevention course
Number of participants: max. 7 people

Level: 1-2

Course: every Monday, 4:45 p.m. - 5:15 p.m

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Spinal gymnastics / fascia training

In this course, the focus will be on spinal gymnastics and in the last third of the lesson the focus will be on fascia and mobility training.

Course leader: Jasmin Römer

Units: continuous, 60 min
Number of participants: 8 people

Level: 2-3

Course: every Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m

Price: €100

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Full-body strength training VIACTIV Fitness
only for VIACTIV insured persons

The innovative fitness mix covers all important training areas: strength, mobility and endurance. Theory and practice are sensibly combined. In twelve units you will learn exercises that strengthen the entire body and find out how active relaxation and conscious nutrition promote your training success.

Course instructors: Dirk Bystricky, Ken Eichholzer

Units: 12 x 60 min

Prevention course according to §20

Price: €100

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Dates: on request

Extension 10 training units for €79 (possible once per course)

Curious about VIACTIV and the many benefits of VIACTIV Fitness?

We have all the information for you! Simply fill out the enclosed flyer and send it back to us or directly to the VIACTIV health insurance company.


Fascia training

The fascia, our surrounding collagenous connective tissue structure, plays a central role in our mobility, posture, coordination, power transmission and body perception. When fascia sticks together, pain and movement problems can result. We want to counteract this! Through fascial jumping, springing and stretching, the connective tissue remains elastic and stretchy, but at the same time tear-resistant and strong. In addition to the targeted strengthening of various muscle groups, an essential part of the training is self-massage with fascia rollers to release adhesions and tension throughout the body.

- increases the resilience of tendons and ligaments,
- avoids painful friction in hip joints and intervertebral discs,
- protects the muscles from injury
and keeps the body in shape by allowing a youthful and toned silhouette.
The advantages for movement in sport, but also in everyday life, are obvious:

- The muscles work more efficiently.
- The regeneration time is significantly shortened, so that you get fit faster for the next training and the next challenge.
- Performance increases.
- Movement sequences and coordination improve.

Course leader:

Units: 10 x 60 min

Number of participants: 3-12 people

Prevention course according to §20

Course: currently no course

Price: €100

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Rehabilitation sports (on prescription!)

Rehabilitation sport (rehab sport) is a supplementary measure as part of medical rehabilitation and to promote participation in working life. Rehabilitation sport is anchored in law and is financed for a limited time by the rehabilitation providers. The positive effects on health are undisputed: everyday problems are reduced and subsequent damage caused by illness can be counteracted. The risk of suffering from secondary illnesses decreases.

Course leader: Dirk Bystricky

Units: continuous, 50 min

only with prescription (pattern 56)
Number of participants: Max. 7 people

Course: every Monday Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m

Registration: telephone, email

Functional circuit training

The functional circuit training includes stations for strength, endurance, speed, coordination and stability. It covers the most important physical skills and ensures holistic training. The cardiovascular system benefits because there are hardly any breaks between exercises and so the pulse is constantly high. Functional strength is trained because the stations involve working at high intensity using either functional training equipment or your own body weight. In a functionally structured training circuit, pushing, pulling, jumping, rotation, speed and stabilization tasks occur.

Course leader:

Units: continuous, 30 min

no prevention course
Number of participants: max 8 people

Course: currently no course

Registration: APP, telephone, email

Fit through pregnancy Pregnancy gymnastics

Pregnancy exercises or gymnastic exercises in general promote muscle tone, strengthen the muscles and also make you more stamina. Gymnastics during pregnancy helps you with various pregnancy changes, such as...

- support the weight you gain during pregnancy

- Prepare yourself for the physical stress of childbirth

- easier to get back to your old figure later when the baby is born

- Reduce back pain, constipation, fatigue and swelling

- to stay in a good mood and maintain your self-image

- have more energy during the day and sleep better at night.


- Theory and practice

- Pregnancy, a special time and its accompanying symptoms

- Exercise and sport during pregnancy, what needs to be taken into account


- Start only after the 4th month and after consultation with the doctor

Course leader: Johanna Schröder

Units: 10 x 60 min

Prevention course according to §20

Course: There is currently no course

Registration: APP,

By telephone



Level description:

Level 1: light intensity,

Level 2: medium intensity

Level 3: medium to high intensity

Level 4: high intensity

Level 5: very high intensity

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