Buyer Analysis (BIA)


Body composition

Body analysis using the BIA method

Discover the secrets of your body with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)! This medically approved method is simple, non-invasive and quick. BIA is perfect for accurately measuring your body composition and is used in numerous areas - from supporting weight loss to optimizing sports training


How does BIA work? This analysis uses the different electrical properties of your body. Body fluids conduct electricity well due to their electrolyte content, while fat offers greater resistance. This allows us to create a detailed picture of your body composition - including lean mass, body fat and body fluids.

The measurement results, based on resistance values and your personal data such as height, weight, gender and age, offer deep insights into your metabolism and can provide early warning of possible health problems. This valuable information will help you optimally adapt your diet, training and lifestyle.

BIA measuring device: BIACORPUS RX 4004M

The BIACORPUS RX 4004M is a multi-frequency, fully digital, phase-sensitive 4-channel impedance measuring device with the latest device technology "Made in Germany".
Example evaluation
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